Very good condition and full working order.
Welcome to the digital party
Yamaha Clavinovas offer all the touch response and beautifully rich, detailed piano sound you want. Plus a great deal more, including a full orchestra of superb quality digitally sampled instruments, and a whole host of advanced auto accompaniment features. You get all the convenience of a digital instrument: no need for costly tuning, greater portability, and you can use headphones, so you can play any time you like without disturbing the family or your neighbors.
Plug in to some sing-along fun
Connect a Clavinova to your TV, pop a karaoke floppy disk into the drive and you’ve got your own homekaraoke center. Song lyrics are displayed on-screen, so the entire family can get together for real sing-along entertainment. What’s more, you can even get some other instruments out (maybe dad’s old guitar!) and play along with the songs for a whole new style of karaoke experience.
If you’re going to study, there’s no place like home
The Clavinova features an extensive learning support system including guide lamps over the keyboard. Right from day one, the students – or even granddad – can learn by playing real music instead of practice pieces, making it fun and enjoyable to study. There’s even a built-in recorder so you can record your performance and see how you’re doing, and save it to floppy disk to build up a continuing progress report.
Build your own library of music software
Yamaha offers an enormous library of music software for study, karaoke, play-along or just playback enjoyment. Pick up a song file data disk and enjoy minus-one playback that lets you solo in front of a full orchestra. Or load a style data disk, and add more auto accompaniment styles. From classical to rock, pop to ethnic, the list is almost endless. Ask your Yamaha dealer to show you just what’s available in the extensive Yamaha library.
XG opens up even more music
XG is Yamaha’s revolutionary extension of the General MIDI format. Naturally, it contains the entire GM standard so you have complete compatibility with commercially available GM software. XG includes a huge set of additional voices, a minimum of three effects processors with many effect types; MIDI control of analog inputs allowing processing of, for example, microphone inputs to create vocal harmonies; extensive control of other parameters for real-time sound shaping.
XG Home Page
Visit the YAMAHA XG Home Page
Visit These Cool MIDPLUG Sites
MIDPLUG, Creators Square, Kamonegi, Sound VQ, Free Song Data Library, MIDMAIL
Connect your PC and add extra power
Handy one-cord connection to your Windows or Macintosh computer adds a whole new dimension of power to the Clavinova. For example, you can use commercially available sequencing software, such as Yamaha’s XGworks, to create truly complex and advanced performances. Or you can use notation software to create sheet music for the compositions you create. There’s almost no limit to what you can do.
88-key Graded Hammer Effect Keyboard
Yamaha sets the pace for realism with the GH (Graded Hammer effect) keyboard. You’ll enjoy all the subtle response that makes the Clavinova so expressive. Because the GH keyboard is even more like an acoustic piano’s – the keys are heavier in the bass registers than they are in the treble. So you get a satisfying weighty feel in the bass, ideal for adding real bottom to the way you play, and the treble notes are lighter, to help your fingers dance over fast melody notes.
AWM Tone Generation with Stereo Sampling
With Yamaha’s AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) tone generation, you’ll believe you can actually hear piano hammers and strings. It starts with CD-quality samples of the actual instrument – and for even greater realism the piano voices are sampled in stereo. AMW digitally filters them according to your touch on the keyboard. The volume and tonality change with your attack.
The CVP 107 and 109 have 224 panel voices, while the CVP105/103/103M have 195 panel voices. All four of these superb instruments offer additional 480XG voices providing you with a rich palette of musical voices.
Extended Polyphony
Perhaps you’ve noticed that when you play fast, dense, legato passages on some digital pianos, notes get cut off before you release them. That’s because the instrument runs out of notes and has to “steal” one in order to play a new note. But with the new CVP Clavinovas, you always have all the notes you need. The CVP107/105/103/103M provide a maximum 64-note polyphony and the CVP-109 offers an astonishing 128-note polyphony.
Keyboard Split and Dual Mode
Thanks to the freely adjustable split point, you can play one instrument with your left hand and a different instrument with your right. For example, you can play an upright bass with your left hand and a trumpet with your right – the choice is all yours. Plus with Dual Mode, you can combine two instrumentsand play them together for unique and rich sounds.
Keyboard Percussion
Thirteen drum kits (CVP109/107) or twelve drum kits (CVP 105/103/103M) you play from the keyboard give the range of percussion sounds you want for your music. Choose from standard, electronic, jazz brush and so many more.
XG Format
XG is Yamaha’s format that brings you the compatibility and control of GM (General MIDI), plus a whole lot more. For example, the GM specification is limited to 128 voices, while XG lets you select voices in different banks, giving you access to hundreds of voices. In addition, XG lets you control a vast range of other parameters including harmonic content of voices, reverb and other effects from a sequencer or another XG keyboard. It’s the ultimate in flexibility and control.
Digital Effects
The onboard digital effects allow you to change instrument voices in ways from the mild to the wild. Built-in reverb lets you add the ambience of different-size rooms from a small recital hall through a large opera house, an enormous cathedral and even an outdoor stadium.
Large LCD Display (CVP109/107/105)
Easy, error-free operation is assured thanks to the large LCD display with attractive graphics and helpful messages. You even have a dedicated help function so you can call up a detailed explanation whenever you need one, allowing you to spend your time making music instead of reading manuals.
Direct Access
Another helpful feature is the Direct Access button. Simply hold this button down while you press reverb, for example, to directly access the reverb’s editable parameters.
Guide Control
The large LCD gives you access to yet one more amazing Yamaha feature. With “Guide Control” a miniature keyboard and piano roll are shown in the display, and as your playback software progresses the notes in the piano roll scroll to show you when to play, while guide lamps over the keyboard show you which note to play.
Three Guide Methods
Lets you pick the method just right for your playing ability. “Easy Play” allows you to practice the rhythm before learning the notes. “Next Note” shows you where to play on the keyboard. If there’s a difficult passage that needs concentrated practice, use “Sound Repeat” to play that one phrase over and over.
Auto Accompaniment
Auto accompaniment is yet another area where Yamaha leads the industry. Just one finger is all you need to create a complete rhythm, bass and chord accompaniment in Single Finger mode. Fingered mode lets you play the entire chord manually, and Multi Finger mode allows you to use Single Finger, Fingered 1 or Fingered 2 modes to generate the auto accompaniment. There is also a Full Keyboard mode that responds to whatever you play across the entire keyboard to make the function more piano-like.
Accompaniment Assist (CVP109/107/105)
Sometimes you may find it a little difficult to control auto-accompaniment when playing a complicated piece of music. Accompaniment assist lets you program chord and pattern changes in advance, so that auto accompaniment plays itself while you concentrate on playing your parts.
Built-in accompaniment styles cover almost any musical genre you can think of. The CVP-109 offers 157, the CVP107 has 147, and CVP105 gives you 135 and the CVP103/103M boasts 125. There are also hundreds more available on Yamaha Style Disks. Each style has four variations plus intros, endings, fills and fade-in/fade-out for a natural feel to the accompaniment.
Custom Style
You can create you own custom rhythm and accompaniment styles and save them internally (CVP109/107/105: 12 locations, CVP103/103M: 4 locations) or on floppy disk. Start from scratch or modify one of the existing styles, the only limit is your imagination.
Pianist Style
Enjoy sophisticated auto accompaniments featuring acoustic piano. Offering all the fingering ease of Yamaha’s other auto accompaniment functions, Pianist allows everybody, and even absolute beginners to give accomplished solo piano recitals.
One Touch Settings
With One Touch Setting, when you choose an accompaniment style, the right-hand voice is automatically selected for you, so you’re ready to play at just the touch of a button.
The handy registration memory allows you to store 20 complete instrument setups for instant recall. This means you can change the entire sound of the instrument at the touch of a button – it’s a great feature for live performances. What’s more, the CVP 109/107/105 let you name your setups, so you can store them by song name.
Music Database
Music Database offers you a selection of musical styles with preprogrammed voices and effects setups available at the touch of a button. The CVP109 has 564; CVP107, 534; CVP105, 498; CVP103/103M, 463. So you always enjoy instruments and effects carefully chosen by professional musicians to suit your selected style.
Sing-along Karaoke Fun
One more way to put the Clavinova at the heart of your family’s musical fun is to use it for karaoke. Lyrics from karaoke floppy disks are shown in the LCD display.
Song Recording
Whenever you’re ready to record, the CVP Clavinovas are ready too. With 16 digital tracks to let you build up complicated, multipart arrangements and take full advantage of the hundreds of instrument voices available. Of course, you can save your performances to floppy disk for instant playback at any time. The only limit is your imagination. Better still, the CVP109/107/105 also offer step recording.
PC Interface
Connect the Clavinova directly to your Windows® or Macintosh® personal computer via the convenient PC Interface and enter an infinitely expanded world of musical possibilities. Use your favorite sequencing software to drive the Clavinova. Enjoy an ever-wider range of playback software. Or take a course of music-instruction software.