Welcome to the digital part
When you bring a Clavinova into your home, you bring so much more than an acoustic piano has to offer. Of course, Yamahas Clavinovas offer all the touch response and beautifully rich, detailed piano sound you want. Plus a great deal more, including a full orchestra of superb quality digitally sampled instruments, and a whole host of advanced auto accompaniment features. Whats more, you get all the convenience of a digital instrument: no need for costly tuning, greater portability, and you can use headphones, so you can play any time you like without disturbing the family or your neighbors.
If youre going to study theres no place like home
The Clavinova features a truly extensive learning support Mk system including guide lamps over the keyboard. Right from day one, the kids-or even grandad can learn by playing real music instead of practice pieces, making it fun and enjoyable to study. Theres even a built-in recorder so you can record your performance an see how youre doing, and save it to floppy disk to build up a continuing progress report.
Build up your own library of music software
Yamaha offers an enormous library of music software for study, karaoke, playalong or just playback enjoyment. Pick up a song file data disk and enjoy minus-one playback that lets you step into the spotlight and solo in front of a full orchestra. Or load a style data disk, and add more auto accompaniment styles. No matter what kind of music you like, or at what level you play, theres sure to be just the title for you. From classical to rock, pop to ethnic, the list is almost endless.
Plug in to some singalong fun
Connect a Clavinova to your TV,pop a karaoke floppy disk into the drive and youve got your own home karaoke center. Song lyrics are displayed on-screen, so the entire family can get together for real singalong entertainment. Whats more, you can even get some other instruments out (maybe dads old guitar!) and play along with the songs for a whole new style of karaoke experience.
XG opens up even more music
XG is Yamahas revolutionary extension of the General MIDI format. Naturally, it contains all of the GM standard, so you have complete compatibility with commercially available GM software. And it goes a lot further, to include a huge set of additional voices -a minimum of three effects processors with many effects types -MIDI control of analog inputs allowing processing of, for example, microphone inputs to create vocal harmonies -extensive control of other parameters for real-time sound shaping Whats more, theres also a vast selection of XG song software available. And if youre connected to the internet, you can tap into an incredible variety of XG resources.
Connect to your PC and add extra power
Handy one cord connection to your Windows or Macintosh computer adds a whole new dimension of power to the Clavinova. For example, you can use commercially available sequencing software, such as Yamahas XGworks, to create truly complex and advanced performances. Or you can use notation software to create sheet music for the compositions you create. Theres almost no limit to what you can do.
Yamaha CVP208 specification
- 88-note graded hammer action keyboard
- 256-note polyphony
- 379 + 480 XG voices and Hammond simulator organ flute
- 18 drum klts and 8 live ;drum kits
- 241 styles and 120 preset songs
- Large colour LCD,
- Music score facility and Kara-0- Key function
- 4MB internal Flash ROM for style song registration
- Dual and split modes -
- Vocal harmony
- Reverb, chorus,
- DSP and digital EQ
- Metronome -
- 16-track sequencer
- Music database -
- Registration memory
- 3 pedals -
- Microphone input, level control and effects
- General MIDI and XG,
- with To Host port and floppy disk drive
- Elegant cabinet design with sliding key cover
- Headphone jack for silent practice